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Created to be Creative
STARTS NOV 19, 2025

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5-week ONLINE course

1 - two-hour session per week on Zoom

$350 AUD ( Approx. $225 USD) 


You are creative! Yes, you read that right. Contrary to what you might have convinced yourself otherwise, the Creator God lives and expresses his presence through you in creative ways. Unlocking the power of your creativity enables you to find profound ways to rest and gain life. It's all about rhythm; we want to help you find yours. 


For so long, creativity has been placed (literally) in the hands that could draw, paint, play, etc really well. Often, it has been expressed as the realm of the fine arts, but it was never God's design to limit creativity like this. He made you unique on purpose!


In this course, you will discover your identity and be invited to live it out in creative ways. We will help you overcome the subtle lies you may have believed about yourself. Those little phrases that convince you that you're not enough or have you living from shame rather than freedom.


Matt, with over 30 years of ministry experience in deliverance and dream interpretation, will give you a place to ask all of your questions. Each highly interactive session will have breakout rooms to help you apply your learning.


What you will get:

➢ Course notes

➢ Biblical teaching on rest, identity, and creativity

➢ Gain your voice and own your story

➢ Unlocking your creativity

➢ A small community to do it all with

➢ Recordings of all the sessions​​


This course will run twice on the same day. Register for the session you want and secure your spot today.​

To Register

Select 1 only (Sydney times)

Thanks for registering to our course. See you there!

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