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Walking in Eden - Online Conference

Walking in Eden - Online Conference

Digital Download - MP3


In Eden’s Blueprint, Matt introduces the idea of what it means to go back to our original design. Who were we created to be? In answering this question, Matt’s revelation of the blueprint began all the way back in Eden, walking with God in the cool of the night.

In the garden are two trees; one of life and one of knowledge. Walking In Eden, will look at the different ways we live our lives under these two trees in our relationships, our faith or beliefs and our love towards ourselves. 


In Walk With Me, Jessie takes the reader though a journey of letting go of old belief systems that operate on not being enough and walking into our identity of being fully loved.  In a world where we fear getting things wrong, failure, doubt and shame are often the things that keep us from thriving and challenge the way we love ourselves and others. 

If we can identify the tree of life in our lives, we can start to live from our design and what we were made for. Let’s discover what a community that operates in this soil looks like and what it means to walk together in Eden. 

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