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C A F E   T A B L E 

Cost: $40 (AUD) $26 approx. (USD) per month 


Welcome to the Cafe Table. If you are looking for friendship and connection in a faith-filled community, you are in the right place. 


Our weekly Zoom Cafes are centered around Kingdom conversations in ways that fit into our everyday lives. You will have a seat at the table, and each week, you will have access to over two hours of live teachings and gatherings. 


You will also be invited into a Facebook group specifically for the Cafe Table, where you can connect, ask questions, and share your thoughts.


We welcome you and can't wait to get to know you. 

Zoom Cafe

Weekly Cafe Times: 

AU: Friday @ 9:30am (AEST)

UK: Friday @ 10:30pm (GMT)

US: Thursday @ 4:30pm (CST)


AU: Saturday @ 7pm (AEDT)

UK: Saturday @ 8am (GMT)

US: Saturday @ 2am (CST)


Our Cafe's are usually recorded, and you will have access to a Google Drive for them to be downloaded if you are unable to attend.



Making Coffee

Darian: Prophetic Mentoring

This class is an invitation to connection to the you that may have gotten stuck away for a bit or set aside as life was flashing by. No more! This class unveils your eyes and heart to unleash whom God gifted the world for you to be. If you are ready to swim in curiosity and feel God paint through words, art, photography and relationships sign up for this course."  
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